票券並非跨品牌通用券,請參閱店點使用資訊The e-voucher is not available for cross brand usage.Please refer to store information.

Benefit Xpress
福利即享券Benefit Xpress
專為員工福利量身打造!Benefit Xpress is the e-voucher for employee benefit.


「Benefit Xpress福利即享券」,以獨特創新的「品牌自選 + 面額任用」電子禮券模式,並結合家樂福、遠東 SOGO 百貨、遠東百貨、屈臣氏、便利商店等大型零售夥伴,針對台灣員工福利市場包含三節、員工生日、尾牙抽獎等的特性所量身打造的創新產品。

福利即享券詳細使用步驟Detailed Steps
提醒您Reminder如您已做過選擇品牌的動作並且成功進到票券頁,下次開啟頁面並輸入密碼後將直接導到使用票券頁。If you have already done the action of selecting a brand and successfully entered the ticket page, the next time you open the page and enter your password, you will be directed to the ticket page.

如何在店家使用How to use it at stores?