※提醒您 Reminder 如您已做過選擇品牌的動作並且成功進到票券頁,下次開啟頁面並輸入密碼後將直接導到使用票券頁。 If you have already done the action of selecting a brand and successfully entered the ticket page, the next time you open the page and enter your password, you will be directed to the ticket page.
Step 1: Collect e-Voucher
- 手機掃描小禮卡背面 QR code,開啟票券Please scan the QR code on the back of the gift card with your mobile to open the e-voucher.
- 刮開下方銀漆,取得密碼Scratch the silver paint to get the password
Step 2: Open your e-voucher
於裝置上開啟票券,輸入密碼後按【確認送出】 。《刮開小禮卡上的銀漆即可取得票券密碼》
Open your e-voucher on your device(mobile, pad, etc…) enter the password and then submit. (Scratch the silver paint of the gift card to get the password )
請勾選【記住密碼】,下次點擊連結後,密碼會自動代入,無須再次輸入。 基於安全性,密碼目前只記住7天。
Please tick “Remember password” to avoid re-enter the pass codes for the next access. Based on the security, passwords are only remembered for 7 days.
In addition, If the browser uses the invisible mode (private browsing), the web page cannot remember the password.
Step 3: Choose the voucher you prefer
You will access the page of brands selection after step 2
You may click each item to see the product description and other details. Please reading all the terms and details before you confirm the brand you prefer. After pressing “Select” to confirm and the web page will automatically display the ticket.
Step04: Deposit e-voucher in your mobile wallet
You’re advised to deposit e-vouchers in your mobile wallet for easier management
01.加入手機錢包【Apple Wallet*/ Google Pay*】(多段條碼票券目前尚無法收納於手機錢包,如7-11商品卡)
01. You can deposit Benefit Xpress in your
Apple Wallet /Google Pay (this function is not yet available for multi-segment barcode, e.g. 7-11 merchandise card)
Store the web ticket as a shortcut to the main screen of the mobile phone
註1: Wallet是蘋果公司 iOS 中的一個應用程式,讓使用者可以在手機中儲存折價券、登機證、活動門票、酬賓卡或其他類型的行動支付票卡等。從iOS 8.1開始,還可以通過Apple Pay添加信用卡、商店卡和金融卡。
Note 1: Apple Wallet is an application in iOS system that allows users to store coupons, boarding passes, event tickets, discount cards or other types of mobile payment in their mobile phones. Starting with iOS 8.1, you can also add credit cards, store cards, and financial cards with Apple Pay.
註2: Google Pay 是 Google 提供的便捷付款方式,可將結帳所需的一切資料集中一處。可以將信用卡、金融卡、會員卡及折價券等都登錄到 Google Pay
Note 2: Google Pay is a convenient payment method from Google that brings together everything you need to checkout. You can sign in to Google Pay for credit cards, financial cards, membership cards, and coupons.
Follow the steps to easily deposit your ticket into your mobile wallet.
Go to the store and select the products you want
Present the e-voucher to the clerk when checkout
Scan and redeem. Don’t forget check the updated balance.